Wednesday, 26 September 2012



Following the latest fashion trends is all good and well but what happens when you people make up their own fashion trends that soon turn into fashion don’ts!

The first fashion don’t… the issue of short shorts, yes shorts are in and yes they look good but shorts riding so far up that your underwear is longer is just not a good look. Wear clothes that suit your body and that people can not see body parts that are not supposed to be seen.

Another major fashion crisis which just doesn’t seem to be impressing the fashion world is…….is the ugg boots. Yes they may warm and yes they be comfy….but ugg boots should not be worn with shorts and definitely not be worn with dresses. Ugg boots are the warmth of winter not the fashion trend of summer. So ladies lets keep the uggies for the winter and whip those thongs out for the summer.

One of my fashion trends for 2012 is florals and prints. however, floral on floral and prints on prints are not so much a fashion trend-- more like a fashion don't. So choose your prints wisely ladies because who knows who will be watching around the corner.

So ladies think twice before you put your next outfit on….are you committing a fashion crime? Are you being a fashion criminal? 

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