Monday 24 September 2012



First things first, without the right footwear the clothing you are wearing would be incomplete. Just imagine walking down a red-carpet premiere barefooted. Not a good look unless it's summer bikini premiere.
Now everyone who has worn high heels, whether it is 9-inch to 15-inch heels, can understand that walking or running in heels can be somewhat painful.

So why do we do it?

Here in the photo I tested out my new Tony Bianco wedge boots on a terrain that one would most likely come across when they are wearing heels: Concrete streets and sidewalks that are elevated. These terrains can be a trek sometimes if you are walking upward on a hill, downhill or even on a flat terrain as the hard surface does not give that "bounce" in your step. 

BUT, the way heels make you look and feel is the reason why we use it to begin with. 

Now I know personally that I am not the tallest person around, so wearing heels makes me feel like a whole new person in the way I look as a whole or just my legs, which helps boost my self-esteem in wearing fashionable clothing around. Majority of my high heels are wedges or an ankle-boot style which I prefer when walking or running, especially the fact that my shoe size does not usually come around when purchasing heels (5.5 AU with a B width). With boots or wedges I have more security in maintaining my feet in the heel itself without injuring my feet or ankle. One of my main peeves in walking with heels is my feet slipping out of the shoe like Cinderella when trying to catch that last train. Another reason I would wear high heels would be the exercise motivation, now I know that it may not be the best way to strengthen the calf muscles but having your feet in a certain position that tenses those calf muscles really make a difference when I want definition. 

Me personally, depending on the mood, I am usually situated between a shoe-lover and a shoe-hater. From recent experiences when going out clubbing in the city where the terrain is not the best or levelled situation to walk in my high heels become the enemy of my feet and my thongs or ballet flats usually come to the rescue. Once before I twisted my ankle in 13-inch heels and it was not a fun trek back home throughout the whole night in the same heels. 

But in saying that, heels have honestly made a huge impact in the fashion industry, whether it is the design of the heel itself or how it compliments the clothing of the user. There are many different designs that have changed fashion and the clothing we wear. Not only has it changed how we look but also our mentality of how we should dress in accordance to the occasion or the surrounding environment. In my case, my self-esteem in my body figure boosts on what I wear with heels complimenting the shape and size of my legs. 

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